Sparsholt College

Westley Lane
SO21 2NF

Tel: 019 6277 6441
(In Emergency Phone: 07715 043 858)

What Three Words: supposes.royal.jumbled


Google Directions from:

Behind Sports Centre Reception Desk

Some Sat Navs may suggest using very narrow lanes around Sparsholt Village. Avoid these routes and use Stockbridge Road (B3049) to access Westley Lane.

Once on campus follow the signs for the Sports Hall: from the main entrance follow Hillside Road to the bottom of the hill and the main reception building, then turn left onto Chute Hill and park in the car park of the Sainsbury Building (on the left). Do NOT park anywhere else and particularly do NOT use the Staff car park.   From the Sainsbury Building Car Park it's a brief walk to the Sports Hall. 

Click here for Sparshot Campus Map.

Dogs are NOT permitted anywhere on Campus

Please remember Sparsholt is a residential college with young students living onsite 7 days a week. It is their home. It is not a public park. Observe the 10 MPH speed limit. No dogs at any time. Please respect Sparsholt and its residents and do not wander around the campus.